Wednesday, March 14, 2007

first batch of photos!

here's the link to the first batch of photos of the community!


We apologise for not being able to adequately capture Tax's queer toast eating habits for your general appreciation.






if you squint your eyes hard enough, you get a cool 3d effect of sharon waving.




cool dude rein after attending a wedding lunch.

hold on, where is sad?! it seems that the scheming bloke removed the photos with himself in it!

the photos are not in fact chronologically arranged. while this is entirely due to my laziness, there's no real reason to save your time at the expense of mine over such a trivial matter. ha. (i'll do it some other time)

if you want to see the photos in a nice flickr album, you can get it here.

(if the pictures post today were too large, do make a comment and i'll put thumbnails on the page instead in future)

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

tier list by... Reinhart!

ok this is rein's tier list, ad verbatim.

top-tier: everyone but nm

bottom tier: nm

hope i got that right, rein! :D


Monday, March 5, 2007

registration for april VS league tourney is OPEN!

hey guys, registration for the april vs league tourney is now open! it's still a while till april, but always good to grab those spots asap!

on another note: T3 will be taking the top 3 placings from now on. so there. BLEAHHHH!!


Saturday, March 3, 2007

Official Photo Poster

hi, this is Amarax. i've been designated official photo poster by Taxi, so to ensure this happens smoothly we'll start with the images from the ntsc|j sc3 manual.

chapter 1





chapter 2



it's basically a tutorial in comic form for the people who have not touched soul calibur before. the first chapter is about sophitia explaining the very basics to cassandra, and the second about how sophitia sneaks off at night to consult olcadan (so that cassie still can't beat her; now isn't she just evil).

stay tuned for more interesting (read: scandalous) photos to come.


Thursday, March 1, 2007

tier list by... Tax!

ok this is my tier list. i've judged the characters based on whether they fulfill certain criteria, and how viable their tools are in a tourney scenario.

specifically the criteria are:

- good punisher (fast, damaging)?
- easy setups for mixups?
- good mixup tools (good lows/throws and safe, damaging mids)?
- high RO potential (front, back, etc.)?
- good evasion tools (moves that TC, TJ, step)?
- good horizontal mids (safe, tracks well)?
- good range (or at least, enough tools such that range is not an issue)?

S: asta

he has everything. seriously. maybe except a better TJ move.

A: mitsu, cervy, soph, cass, setsuka

mitsu has 2KB (stupid low), fast and damaging AAs and BBs (they act as mitsu's main punishers as well), 3B (good launcher), and other assorted rubbish like 22B, crouch dash, etc.

cervy has 1K (stupid low), 3B (good launcher), A+B (stupid damaging hori mid, luckily it's punishable) and 3A+B (3A from sc2... dammit). cervy also has that crazy 236236B+G throw that does 75 dmg. cervy has aB and iGDR for punishing too.

soph has 236B (stupid punisher), 236AA (crazy TC hori mid.... luckily it's unsafe), 66A (crazy long range mid), 11A (crazy long range low that's SAFE), 3A (super TC hori mid... luckily it's punishable now), 44B (backwards-moving TC launcher), and 1K and 4B for wakeup. oh and good AAs and BBs too.

cass has 236B and 236AB, same as soph, but perhaps less range. she relies on things like 66A (TC hori mid with okay range), WL mixup (both WL A and WL B RO and wall splat), 66B (FC launcher that does crazy dmg), 3B (almost safe launcher) and good AAs and BBs. while her RO game is better than soph, her lows aren't as good, but 11B and 1K are decent.

setsuka has the range and damage of nm with the speed of xiang. that's just crazy imo. recently i've also realised her max dmg stuff actually isn't that hard to do. and 33B is just mad spammable. the only problem arises when ppl start stepping to her right, which evades most of her core moves. this leaves her with 66A (moderately effective) and FC 3aB (high risk, moderate reward). i'm not sure what to say about her lows though... they're not very good but it's not like ppl are going to block low. thankfully she still has throws to rely on.

A-: voldo, yoshi

they're good... if you can do their crazy input shit consistently. voldo needs that MC A+B:G to push him up to top tier, and yoshi just has a lot of freakish input shit that in theory is SUPERB. of course i realise that those taiwanese ppl can do the yoshi stuff... but i really need to experience it for myself to make a solid decision.

B: lizardman, yunsung, xiang, amy, mina, siegfried, taki, zasalamel, ivy, kilik, nm, rock, talim

B-: raph, hwang, li long, tira

the B grade characters are missing a few of my criteria here and there, but still have certain strong tools. i actually think that they have a decent chance to beat the top tiers, but they need to work a lot harder.

as for B- characters, i just don't think they're that good, but on the other hand, these are the characters i've had the least experience with.


tier list by... Jovian/Sandra

an exceedingly fast reply by Jovian... aka Sandra.

... erm yeah. anyway thank you for contributing!

everyone give your comments! and send me more of those tier lists asap!



(verbatim from Jovian's PM)

Okay, i'll rate according to S , A, B, C tier.

S - Asta, Mitsu. Base of my exp, this 2 are the toughest shit to beat in the hands of a good player. With Asta having good RO, and dmg, and even speed in certain situations. Mitsu? No need say. 2K, B.

A - Sisters, Cervy, Setsuka, Kilik, Xiang, Yoshi, Ivy, Voldo.

B - Mina, Sieg, Amy, Taki, Zasal, Yun seong, Tira, Maxi, Rock, Lizardman

C - NM, Talim, Li Long, Hwang

F Tier- Olcadan. He's too random. U can't beat that.

Soul SG's SC3:AE ver. B tier list

hey guys, i'm thinking we should consolidate all our opinions to form our very own tier list based on our own gameplay styles and experiences. feel free to send your own tier lists (as specific as possible, with as much explanation as you want) and i'll post them up on the blog so we can all comment and come up with Soul SG's very own tier list!


VS league - feb tourney

i just realised that sc3 is the ONLY game that has seen full brackets for the past 2 months' tourneys. i think this really says something positive about our community. if possible, let's maintain full brackets for future tourneys!


on another note, i find that a lot of people are joining the tourneys for a variety of reasons, be it to show support, test their skills in a tourney situation, or display individual styles of gameplay. i think regardless of your reasons for joining, the important thing is that you enjoy the experience.

to the people who join purely to make numbers and show support for the VS league, i'd like to say a big thank you. hopefully as more tourneys go by, you'll find your own reasons to play in tourneys. i also hope that in future there'll be a big enough response such that we won't have to ask people to join the tourneys only to make numbers.


i think the past few tourneys have shown that anything can happen. a player's victory depends on more than just skill level, but also control of their nerves, muscle memory, quick thinking, and especially, luck. there've been quite a few upsets recently, so i hope this encourages everyone to aim for the top 3 placings, be it the newcomers or the veterans.

anyway the next VS league tourney will be in april, so that means more time for preparation and training for everyone. so get your game on!
